Donating our Software to COVID-19 Response
We're eager to do our part and help out where we can during the Coronavirus pandemic. If you are involved in public safety or government and would like to use any D4H products for your COVID-19 direct response, we will donate subscriptions to your organization for the duration and purpose of your effort.
How will we do this?
If you are involved in public safety or government and would like to use any D4H products for your COVID-19 direct response, we will donate subscriptions to your organization for the duration and purpose of your effort.
Implementation is a manual process involving webinars, training, and a needs analysis based configuration. We have to make sure every implementation is effective and be able to resource ourselves to do this. We will have to charge our once-off administrator implementation & training fee to all organizations that can afford it.

How do we protect our customers?
Our existing customers will get priority support on all occasions. If you would like priority support, please discuss full-pricing with us.
How do we get it?
We have 4 products, all of which may help you.
- Personnel & Training - which of my people are still available to me and what skills have they got?
- Equipment Management - what equipment stockpiles do we still have across the region?
- Incident Management - what decisions can I make from a real-time common operating picture?
- Incident Reporting - what type of missions are we completing? Is there a trend?
Drop us an email to sales@d4h.org and describe the problem you’re trying to solve. We’ll be back in touch as quickly as possible.
Características destacadas
Software recomendado
Productos recomendados
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