How Chester County Hazmat Stays Mission Ready With D4H
Hazmat teams are constantly looking for ways to respond more effectively. Chester County has focused on ensuring its team is always Fully Mission Capable (FMC). Their efficiency has been transformed through the proactive management tools that D4H offers.
Customer Background
Chester County HazMat Team operates as part of the Chester County Emergency Management Division. A full-time County HazMat Coordinator handles the day to day operations. The team is comprised of 30 members who come from the various Fire Stations throughout the county.
The Challenge
Training for the HazMat team members is held twice a month to maintain their certification as HazMat Technicians. The team operates out of a station at the Chester County Government Services Center in West Chester, Pennsylvania. They operate two response vehicles, a containment trailer, and a support POD with mass decontamination tents.
The principal mission of the team is to assist the Incident Commander in mitigating or minimizing the effects of a Hazardous Material incident on the population and to the property and environment of Chester County by safely controlling, containing or neutralizing the hazardous material. For this reason, there is a massive emphasis on readiness for a response. The team needs to be mission-ready at all times and they needed the right software tools to help them achieve this goal.

The Solution
Chester County Hazmat decided to deploy D4H Personnel & Training, D4H Equipment Management, and D4H Incident Reporting as their complete readiness solution. Automating key processes such as inventory management has enabled the team to reduce administrative burden and focus on higher-value strategic activities like training and exercising.
“Tracking equipment inspections, expirations, and varying calibrations in D4H has been a game changer for our team management. We’re now pro-actively alerted when we need to do something and are no longer drowning in a sea of paperwork.”
— Jeff Emmons, Coordinator, Chester County Hazmat.
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