¿Qué significa BZ?

Bravo Zulu, cuando se transmite por bandera, código morse o comunicaciones de voz al final de una misión, significa «Bien hecho». Fue introducido entre las fuerzas aliadas en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Este blog es un BZ para ti.





Everbridge + D4H: The ultimate way to launch and manage incidents.

Everbridge and D4H have announced that organizations can now leverage the Everbridge Critical Event Management Platform and D4H Incident Management together. We've combined two of the worlds most powerful technologies to create the ultimate way to launch and manage incidents.

Our two leading solutions now seamlessly integrate, creating a streamlined solution that helps responders communicate, collaborate, and command throughout any situation; ultimately resulting in better outcomes, more efficient responses, and less paperwork.

With over 15 Million response hours logged annually by many thousands of response personnel around the world, D4H Technologies operates the best readiness and response software platform on the market.

Following the tragic events of 9/11, Everbridge was founded, and has been there for thousands of corporations and communities, improving the way that people communicate and locate their people in critical situations. 8 of the 10 Largest Cities in the US now rely on Everbridge.

“When two industry leaders come together in a global partnership, it has a significant impact on the industry. Everbridge and D4H can now be used together by our combined hundreds of thousands of first responders and emergency managers. While it is their duty to serve, it is our duty to innovate for them. It is our duty to help them to be ready, to help them to respond effectively, and to help them re-evaluate how to be more effective and safer the next time.”

Robin Blandford CEO, D4H.


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