¿Qué significa BZ?

Bravo Zulu, cuando se transmite por bandera, código morse o comunicaciones de voz al final de una misión, significa «Bien hecho». Fue introducido entre las fuerzas aliadas en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

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Track Funding Sources for Equipment Repairs

Tracking the cost of maintenance and repairs on equipment against different funding sources is not an easy task for logistics managers or team management. We’ve just made it simple.

Equipment gets damaged and needs to be repaired. Unexpected breakdowns must be addressed quickly, and they need to be tracked financially in order to forecast future spending and grant allocations. These expenses are often financed through grants, reimbursement funding, or allocated budgets.

All repairs cost money or time, and somebody’s budget has got to pay for it. Maintaining specialized equipment is complex, and keeping it safe to use and in a constant state of readiness can be made easier using good equipment management software.

Tracking all funding sources for equipment repairs is not an easy task for logistics managers or team management. Traditionally burdensome paperwork and form-based administration have to be done to keep track of these expenses, especially at the end of a funding year when all spending reports must be reviewed. Having it all in one place is not easy.

D4H track repairs funding sources

Easily Track Funding Sources with D4H Equipment Management

The solution is simple. Using D4H Equipment Management along with allocating purchases against funding sources, you can now also track repairs. Users can easily assign a funding source to each repair cost, then the organization can see what items of equipment are costing the most, and which funds are being depleted the quickest.

Users can instantly access all their repairs costs and quickly understand how much they are paying for maintenance - all without painful paperwork and hours of reporting.

D4H track repairs funding sources2

How can you benefit from this feature?

  • Be able to assign a funding source to repair costs.
  • Be able to see repair costs paid for by a funding source.

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