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Bravo Zulu, cuando se transmite por bandera, código morse o comunicaciones de voz al final de una misión, significa «Bien hecho». Fue introducido entre las fuerzas aliadas en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

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How Digital Health and Safety Reports Can Help Prevent Future Accidents

Not only is it important to comply with health and safety legislation, but tracking accidents and near-misses can actually reduce future incidents. Here's why you need health and safety reporting software to help prevent a serious accident.

Paper-based health and safety reports

Health and safety reports are often stored in a private file or logbook, and rarely analyzed for patterns and trends. Analyzing paper-based reports can be time-consuming and so it is rare for an organization to have a real-time understanding of the full picture of what is threatening their safety, how frequently, and how seriously.

Digital health and safety reports

The Health & Safety Reports section of D4H lets you track the frequency of near misses and accidents during your incidents and training. Since these reports are linked to specific activities, it is easy to quickly see more information about the circumstances under which it occurred. Fields in these reports include location, what happened, cause, incident category, and severity.

Customizing digital health and safety reports

Categories and severities are completely customizable. Example categories you could create include injury, near miss, exposure, and medical emergency. Severities could include negligible, minor, serious, or fatal. These categories and severities will appear in the data visualization section of this module to help you get an overview of the reports as a whole.

Health and safety report software

Analyze past incidents and apply corrective actions

The map view of where the accidents occurred lets you pinpoint hazardous locations within your region. Use the data in the reports to plan corrective actions that will reduce the severity of future accidents in that area. Assign these corrective actions to members of your team and track their completion on the Health & Safety dashboard. Corrective actions could include site maintenance, additional training, or the purchasing of new safety gear.

Export your data

The table summarizing the reports can be exported as a PDF, allowing you to easily share your organization’s information with regulatory agencies and stakeholders.


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