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Equipment Management Software for Hazmat Response Teams

Incidents involving the spill or release of hazardous materials are increasingly common. The EPA state that many people consider hazardous material incidents to be the most significant threat facing local jurisdictions.

As thousands of new chemicals are developed each year worldwide, it is important not only to have the best-prepared personnel to respond to those incidents but also the specialized hazmat response equipment ready-to-go to support them.

Knowing what, where and how ready your equipment is, is critical; but this is only the first part of the job.

A professional equipment management solution for hazmat response teams must give your team complete control of your entire equipment cache. It must also help you audit, track, maintain and optimize your inventory. While doing this, it must evidence your oversight in a manner that is suitable for legal representation.

Hazsim response h2

How can D4H Equipment Management help your hazmat organization?

Inventory management

You will be able to supervise and manage all aspects of your hazmat response equipment across their entire lifecycle, their location, kind, and much more.

Testing, calibrations, and maintenance

Remove the risk of unexpected failures as all equipment on file is well inspected, used routinely, and maintained in working order.

Equipment tracking

Use barcodes and other cutting-edge tracking technology to drive efficiencies. Scan equipment to select it in the database and instantly access its records.

Equipment depreciation

Having an accurate picture of your equipment depreciation will help your hazmat response team to plan for the future.

Evidence management

It’s useful to understand a chain of custody history, leaving the integrity of your property in no doubt.

Budgeting and purchasing

You need an intelligence tool that shows the value of your inventory, its use, and the cost of maintaining it. Use this information to plan and budget for upcoming purchases.


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