How to Collect and Analyze Incident Data with D4H
Every incident should be seen as an opportunity to gain valuable insights. But for emergency response organizations, collecting and analyzing large data sets can be a challenging task.
The difference that separates an inefficient emergency response organization from an efficient one lies re-evaluation of operations. Every incident should be seen as an opportunity to gain valuable insights that can be used to provide direction on how to advance an organization to the next level.
Managing data is an arduous and time-consuming task for any organization. Response organizations that develop the ability to collect and analyze data from each incident they respond to and react upon their learnings significantly increase their efficiencies, and reduce risk and operational costs.

The process of collecting and analyzing incidents data
During emergency management scenarios, a rapidly generated, large volume of data needs to be analyzed in real-time for immediate action.
Then, all historical data needs to be available and shared with emergency managers to start the evaluation and validation of analytical methods or models. Processing and analyzing heterogeneous incident data requires efficient data collection, aggregation, information extraction, visualization, and efficient distribution.
Therefore, a smart technology that can help to manage this important data during and after an incident is needed.

So how can my organization easily collect and analyze incidents data?
Traditionally collecting and analyzing insightful and easy-to-understand data is a challenging task to accomplish without a proper system in place. Fortunately, there is an effective solution to achieve this.
This is exactly what D4H Technologies has been working for over a decade, with the purpose of helping response organizations to gather their incident data, and most importantly, to be able to understand and benefit from it.
D4H readiness and response software is a dedicated solution that offers a robust platform with interconnected products. ‘D4H Incident Management’ and ‘D4H Incident Reporting’, seamlessly connect between each other to provide emergency response organization with game-changing post-incident data analysis that can transform future operations.
The steps to easily collect and analyze incident data
During an incident using D4H Incident Management:
- Launch an incident: Within the D4H Incident Management dashboard and start logging incident data. This phase includes publishing a situation report, assigning roles, and communicating with personnel/stakeholders.
- Coordinate the incident and gather high-quality consistent incident data: Assign tasks, coordinate resources, and record your actions in the activity log.
- Report creation: D4H Incident Management will create an incident report draft at the culmination of an incident, these include automatic attachments of related paperwork, forms, and maps. This incident report will be filed in your historical archives and will contribute to the annual statistics, charts, and reports.

After an incident using D4H Incident Reporting:
- Document your incidents: Easily edit and submit your final incident reports, turning them into a searchable historic database.

- Gain insights & re-evaluate your incident response: Access easy-to-analyze data presented in comprehensive visual formats including charts and maps. Unlock powerful insights by clicking through your patterns and trends.
- Report across your organization: Set reporting across your entire organization, and gather data in real-time from anywhere in the country. D4H’s workflows ensure high-quality editing and approval processes.
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