Using Mass Notification to Help Reopen Your Organization
We've teamed up with Singlewire, one of our partner integrators for this guest blog post. Keeping people safe and informed is the top priority for Singlewire and in this article, they discuss how mass notification systems can help organizations reopen in the next phases of COVID-19.
While the coronavirus continues to impact organizations around the world, some have taken steps to begin reopening. This will be a delicate process that requires ongoing monitoring and evaluation. For organizations to reopen safely and with minimal disruptions, strong communication will be key to reach everyone with relevant health and safety information. Reopening is not likely to happen all at once. It will require multiple phases to get organizations back to full capacity to minimize the risks to their people and to avoid further disruptions. With a mass notification system, organizations can quickly share information that addresses new procedures and expectations as reopening takes place.
Reaching People Remotely
Many organizations were forced to close their facilities due to the coronavirus but were able to maintain operations by shifting to remote work. Without everyone gathered in a central location, it can be challenging to share information that impacts schedules. If people don’t receive the information they need, this can cause delays that prevent a smooth reopening. Being able to send SMS text messages, push notifications, emails and desktop notifications from a mass notification system allow organization leaders to reach everyone with the same message at the same time when they are remote. Using a multichannel approach helps ensure everyone is aware of new updates so they can properly follow new protocols.
In addition to letting people within your organization know when reopening will take place, mass notifications can also be used to share information about new procedures. Letting people know that facilities have been thoroughly cleaned can help put people’s minds at ease and make them more comfortable with returning. Sharing changes to normal operations, such as implementing a rotating work schedule, requiring people to wear masks, checking temperatures before people enter facilities, and other precautions that facilitate a healthy environment can also help demonstrate that people’s safety is top of mind.
Sending Health and Safety Reminders
When your facilities do reopen it will be important to send reminders that help people maintain healthy practices to prevent new outbreaks of the disease. Mass notification systems like Singlewire’s InformaCast can be used to send health and safety messages via text and audio messages throughout a building or campus. Using overhead speakers, digital signage, desk phones, and more, organizations can send reminders about social distancing, washing hands, wearing masks, and other steps people should be taking to prevent the further spread of the disease. These announcements can be scheduled to go out at regular intervals throughout the day to provide helpful tips until the threat of the virus has passed.
Anticipating Potential Outbreaks
If your organization does reopen, it should also put plans in place in the event someone test positive for COVID-19. Sending text messages with confirmation responses from a mass notification system can ask if anyone has tested positive for the disease. If an infected person is identified, organization leaders can determine who else needs to be notified and advise them to seek testing. Leaders can also determine if it’s necessary to shut down and clean facilities again to provide a sanitized environment for people to return to.
The ongoing impact of COVID-19 is still uncertain, but with the right precautions and tools, organizations can safely reopen with minimal disruptions. D4H Incident Management and Singlewire’s InformaCast can be leveraged together into one solution to communicate, collaborate, and ensure command throughout any situation; ultimately resulting in better outcomes, more efficient responses, and less paperwork.
Author’s Bio
Chris Swietlik is the content marketing manager for Singlewire Software. He is the primary author of the company’s Emergency Notification Blog where he shares best practices, product updates, and customer stories to keep people informed about the latest trends related to safety and alerting.
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