The D4H Personnel App Gets a New User Interface
We're excited to announce that the D4H Personnel App has a new, totally redesigned user interface with some great usability enhancements.
The D4H Personnel App is now much more user-friendly, it’s easier to see important information, and it’s ready for lots of new functionality in 2022!

Here’s what’s new:
New user-friendly homescreen
Easily view your current availability, training schedule, and whiteboard notes.

Easy on-call/ off-call
It’s now easier than ever before to update your on-call/ off-call availability right from the homescreen.

Cleaner activity pages
Activity pages have been simplified to make it easy to see the the training plan and location of upcoming activities. You can also easily update your attendance status from this page.

Quick access to your profile
You can now access your own profile directly from the homepage.

Ready for new functionality in 2022!
These updates to the Personnel App are important groundwork for some big upcoming functionality. Stay tuned for the next big releases to D4H Personnel and Training - Personnel NFC / RFID Tags and Single Sign-On.
Where to get the app
D4H Personnel & Training users
If you already have the app downloaded it should update automaticaly on your mobile device. If you don’t see the new version, just update it manually on your app store.
If you’re a D4H Personnel and Training user and you do not have the mobile app downloaded you can dowload it today from the iOS App Store or Google Play Store.

Not yet a D4H Personnel & Training Customer?
Contact us today for a live demo!
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