¿Qué significa BZ?

Bravo Zulu, cuando se transmite por bandera, código morse o comunicaciones de voz al final de una misión, significa «Bien hecho». Fue introducido entre las fuerzas aliadas en la Segunda Guerra Mundial.

Este blog es un BZ para ti.





How to Track Your COVID-19 Vaccination Centers in D4H Incident Management

Take a look at our guide to configuring your D4H Incident Management account for vaccine centers and distribution tracking.

Emergency management agencies and public health organizations face the challenge of never knowing what the next emergency will be. No one could have predicted the outbreak of COVID-19 and the impact that it would have. A year on, it’s likely been one of the longest-running EOC activations for these organizations.

D4H Incident Management is flexible enough to support emergency management organizations every step of the way as they adapt to new emergency situations. For the COVID-19 pandemic, this has covered tracking the initial virus outbreak and its spread through their communities, right through to the current administering of vaccines.

Your D4H Incident Management account is highly configurable and can be customized to your organization’s specific needs, with the process being so simple it’s easy to create new status boards or track additional information on the fly. As an example for this new vaccination phase, we’ve created a short video running through how to track the following:

  • Creating a new Vaccination Centers status board.
  • Grouping vaccination center by operating status.
  • Adding vaccination centers to the map.
  • Keeping a log of all contact with centers.
  • Tracking distributions to each center.

If you need any help configuring your account we’d be delighted to help, just drop us an email at support@d4h.org.


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