Top D4H Feature Requests for 2022
We asked our users to tell us what features they'd like to see from D4H in 2022 and received a big response! Robin, our CEO, and Mario, our CTO recently discussed these feature suggestions on the Bravo Zulu live stream series. Here's a breakdown of each feature request.
Part 1 - D4H User Group Discussion
In part one of our feature requests live streams, Robin and Mario were joined live on camera by D4H users to hear more about their top feature requests.
Andrew’s Suggestions
Andrew Wallwork is a Search Manager at South Fraser SAR in British Columbia, Canada. The team primarily covers Richmond, Delta, Surrey, and White Rock in Southern Vancouver. There are approximately 900,000 residents in the team’s service area. Since South Fraser SAR covers a more urban area, their callouts are generally to vulnerable people who have lost their way such as dementia patients and people with intellectual disabilities. Andrew’s feature requests were:
- Equivalent qualifications tracking in D4H Personnel & Training.
- Groups based on qualifications in D4H Personnel & Training.
- Enhanced reports in D4H Incident Reporting.
- Track attendance with barcoding in D4H Incident Reporting.
Casey’s Suggestions
Casey Stevens is the Director of Lincoln County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) in Maine, United States. Lincoln County EMA is responsible for ensuring preparedness for emergencies in the county, as well as centrally managing incidents when they occur. There are 18 different towns within Lincoln County so there can be a great deal of coordination, communication, and collaboration involved between these towns during a weather event or other incident. These were Casey’s suggestions for D4H:
- Sort data on PDF exports in D4H Incident Management.
- A marketplace of form and status board templates for D4H Incident Management.
Jon’s Suggestions
Jon Wickham is a Full Callout Team Member at Bowland Pennine Mountain Rescue Team. The team is a 100% volunteer charity, that covers mountain rescue, swiftwater rescue, technical steep ground and crag rescue, and vulnerable missing person searches across Lancashire in Northwest England. These are the feature requests that Jon raised:
- An easier method of moving equipment in bulk from one location to another in D4H Equipment Management.
- A more powerful ideal base location tool, accounting for team member home locations, transit times, and multiple bases.
- Nested folders in documents.
Neil’s Suggestions
Neil Brewer is a Search and Rescue Manager at Kent Harrison SAR in British Columbia, Canada. His team covers the eastern end of the Fraser Valley, about 150km east of Vancouver. The team covers about 2,500 square km of search area which includes a large lake, Harrison Lake, and a myriad of hiking trails and alpine trails. Responses vary from lost hikers to embankments, and water accidents. Neil suggested the following D4H features:
- A statistics summary box at organization level.
- GPS radio tracking in D4H Incident Management.
Check out the feature discussions and what Mario and Robin had to say…
Part 2 - Top Feature Requests from Social Media
In our second feature requests live stream, Robin and Mario discussed the top comments from a recent post on D4H’s social media “If D4H could launch anything in 2022, what would it be?”. They were:
D4H Personnel & Training
- Amber on/off call availability.
- ID card functionality.
- The ability to add multiple qualifications at once.
- The ability to duplicate an exercise that has already happened.
- A built-in virtual logbook.
- The ability to auto-qualify based on prerequisites.
- A communications module in the mobile app.
D4H Equipment Management
- Bulk equipment uploads.
- The ability to move equipment between teams.
D4H Incident Management
- Tagging in the mobile app.
- Real-time asset tracking.
- Sync with fitness devices.
- Track cell phone logins.
D4H Incident Reporting
- Enhanced reporting.
- The ability to bulk update the finish time of an incident.
- More customizable reports.
D4H Shared Services
- Granular access controls.
- Different colors for different teams.
- The ability to attach documents to emails.
- Enhanced communications and callout functionality.
- The ability to set up recurring tasks.
Here are Mario and Robin’s thoughts and plans…
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