Introducing the D4H Incident Management App
Real-time communication and collaboration are key in a coordinated response - this is now more achievable than ever with our mobile app for D4H Incident Management.
Large scale emergencies such as fires, earthquakes, and terrorist attacks have many moving parts with information coming from multiple channels. Reliable data is required to make critical decisions. Information has never before been available in such quantity, but the downside to this is that it rapidly loses quality and reliability. One of the biggest challenges today is that communication channels become flooded, and authoritative data sources are lost during a complex incident response.

D4H has developed a powerful incident management team software solution D4H Incident Management to streamline this process. The software is designed to help organizations ensure command, control, and clarity during a crisis event. Tools such as detailed mapping, status boards, forms, and logs enable the coordination of an effective response to emergency situations.

Our smartphone and tablet app for iOS and Android is designed to give teams enhanced control when in the field. A simple user-interface, with built-in notifications, enables response organizations to create a common operating picture, communicate objectives, and collaborate on an effective incident resolution.
“Accessible anywhere, on any device, the D4H Incident Management smartphone app enables organizations to ensure that those involved in responding to an incident and their management can look at the same common operating picture at all times.”
D4H Chief Executive, Robin Blandford.
This highly configurable mobile platform is adaptable to different processes and procedures - from subsea engineering firm Subsea 7, who uses the software to manage and support global onshore and offshore emergencies to public safety in Horry County, South Carolina who recently deployed the product to manage their response to Hurricane Dorian.

With real-time communication being key to a coordinated response, organizations can now reach resolution faster by supporting their responses on smartphones and tablets.

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