Add Custom Incident Maps for Geographical Context
It is possible to customize your D4H Incident Management account with any available map tile service. You can annotate your incident notes and sketch on top of the base map of your choosing - urban, political, mountain, marine.
Geography and spatial awareness always play a part in the planning and execution of an effective incident response. You need to understand the terrain and distances within the area where your incident is taking place. Basemaps provide the geographical context required - we’ve expanded both our built-in map library and enabled you to configure your own hosted basemap tile service.
Read our release notes or learn how to add your basemaps in our Knowledge Base article.
Including detailed topographic and spatial information, custom basemaps enable you to make more informed decisions when they matter most. Once added, your basemap tiles will become available to all users in your organization on both web app and mobile app.
The world is literally yours to explore, but we’ve added some inspiration below…
Open Street Map

Open Sea Map

NZ Imagery with Land Parcels (Multi-Layer)

And we did say you can add “any map”…so if you’re going to “let it burn”… Spinal Map!

Learn how to add your basemaps in our Knowledge Base article.
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