What Does BZ Mean?

Bravo Zulu when conveyed by flaghoist, morse code, or voice comms at the end of a mission means Well Done. It was introduced between allied forces in World War II.

This blog is a BZ to you.





Emergency Management Status Boards Made Easy

We’ve created some emergency management status boards that you can quickly and easily copy into your D4H Incident Management account and use in your EOC. Pick up new ideas, spend less time configuring your account, and more time using it.

D4H Incident Management Status Boards visualize information within your account. They are a set of rows, much like a spreadsheet, with a configurable form behind each row.

The status board templates available on our Knowledge Base allow you to quickly build out your emergency response toolkit. Detailed status boards can be copied and pasted in just a few clicks. Once they are in your account, they can be customized to match your specific needs. With D4H’s emergency management software, setting up your virtual EOC has never been easier.

Emergency Management Sample Templates

The following status board templates are available for you to choose from:


Use the Shelters status board to quickly view which shelters are at capacity and determine where to send your residents. View their contact details and what types of facilities they offer. Use the map tab to see where shelters are located. Add the Residents status board to your account as well in order to link your residents to specific shelters.


Use the Residents status board to view contact information for community members affected by an incident. Add the Shelters status board to your account as well in order to link your residents to specific shelters.

Road Damages

Use the Road Damages status board to record the locations of closures in your area. Mark the roads as either open both ways, open one day, or closed and record the reason for their closure. Use the map feature to get a quick overview of where the roads are located and what their status is based on their location pin color.

Adding the Sample Templates to Your Account

It is quick and easy to add the sample templates to your account. You simply copy the code from our Knowledge Base article and paste it directly into your account. See our step-by-step guide to add these boards to your account.

Customizing the Sample Templates

Sample templates can be used as they are, or they can be customized to match your particular emergency response needs. Every status board can be edited using the form builder. Fields can be renamed, rearranged, changed, or eliminated. Sample templates are a great starting point and should serve as inspiration for you and your team. Perhaps you like the Shelters status board but wish it had a field for whether or not the shelter has medical services. Add it using the form builder. Or maybe you like the road damages status board but want to track which agency is responding to provide support. Customize it in minutes in the Admin Area.

By providing a base for you to build off of, the status board templates can save you and your team valuable time when preparing to respond to crises. Easy to use sample templates mean you’ll spend less time configuring your account, and more time using it.


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