How Resolve Marine Group Ensures Total Equipment Readiness for Global Marine Response
Leading marine services organization, Resolve Marine Group, provides marine salvage, emergency response, marine firefighting, wreck removal, maritime training, and many other services supporting the global maritime industry. They use D4H Equipment Management to ensure a constant state of equipment readiness for any number of salvage and emergency response scenarios.
Customer Background
Resolve Marine Group provides salvage, emergency response, training, naval architecture, marine engineering, and many other services to the global maritime industry. For more than 30 years, Resolve has served commercial shipping companies, cruise lines, the offshore oil and gas industry, marine insurers, governments, agencies, and other clients worldwide. In many instances, by rescuing vessels, they are also able to avert catastrophic pollution incidents.
Inevitably with significant numbers of vessels and people traveling the globe and in all types of weather conditions, some with dangerous cargo, machinery malfunctions, and human error, there is always a need for emergency response teams on to be on standby. Resolve’s core business is Emergency Response. This unique, challenging and sometimes dangerous salvage industry entails rescuing ships and their crews, removing ship and vessel wrecks and cleaning up oil spills around the world.

Challenges & Needs
With more fully stocked and owned response warehouses globally than any other provider, Resolve has highly specialized equipment located globally that needs to be tracked and maintained. These warehouses are strategically located in Singapore, Shanghai, Gibraltar, Mumbai, Rotterdam, Cape Town, Florida, Alabama, and Alaska, in addition to their 22 Salvage and Marine Firefighting (SMFF) depots in the U.S.
Responding to various vessels such as oil and chemical tankers, cruise ships, cargo ships, oil platforms, fishing fleets, submarines, military warships, super-yachts, and downed aircraft requires complex salvage operations. These operations involve experienced salvage masters, naval architects, engineers and divers using highly specialized and valuable equipment.
“Equipment is a key component of a salvage company’s profitability. If it’s not available for a job, new opportunities will be missed.”
— Daniel Dolson, Director of Assets Management at Resolve Marine Group.
Resolve needed an equipment management software solution that would allow them to easily determine the location of specific resources across numerous global locations. To succeed as an industry leader, Resolve needs to be able to start mobilizing specialized equipment globally, immediately after notification.
Further, having immediate access to the right equipment was only part of the challenge; they needed to maintain a comprehensive quality control program to ensure all equipment performs at maximum capacity under extreme conditions. It was important that they would achieve consistency across the whole organization by implementing one system that would allow them to control the terminology used to define equipment across every one of their locations.

D4H Equipment Management acts as a central location for Resolves’ vast inventory of equipment, with paperwork, certifications, inspections, repairs, and manuals all accessible remotely from any location. At a higher level, this provides a valuable global overview of their equipment, its location and its state of readiness. On a ground level, D4H creates global consistency across Resolve’s warehouses. Operational teams use the software to maintain and log the repairs of equipment such as diving tanks, helmets, and pumps which are all tracked by barcode and scannable through the software. They can build up shipments of equipment and can say with confidence that it’s ready for use with all inspections up-to-date.
“Our operational teams engage with D4H because their job is made easier with fast access to information; meanwhile management is getting all the information they need at the top.”
—Daniel Dolson, Director of Assets Management at Resolve Marine Group.
As a software solution, D4H streamlines Resolve’s processes when identifying which equipment needs attention, assigning repairs to personnel, and tracking repairs to completion. This produces a strong equipment audit trail where they can easily view every action carried out on an item of equipment before it is deployed to a project site.

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