What Does BZ Mean?

Bravo Zulu when conveyed by flaghoist, morse code, or voice comms at the end of a mission means Well Done. It was introduced between allied forces in World War II.

This blog is a BZ to you.





New Feature: Track Equipment Retirement Reasons

When valuable assets are retired from service, it's important to know why - were they damaged, lost, replaced, or not fit for purpose? We've added some new features to help you track this.

Custom Retirement Reasons

It’s now possible to add equipment retirement reasons within [Team Settings]. Add anything you’d like to track. If your team is part of an organization then those settings are in the parent organization rather than your team. This means that all teams within the organization are reporting using common terminology which can be compared across the region.

2019 08 20 at 15.14

Set Retirement Reason

Once you [Update Details] and mark the status of an item as ‘Retired’ you’ll now get a drop-down of retirement reasons. Select an option or leave it blank.

2019 08 20 at 15.32

List Retired Items

Within your equipment (either [Categories] or [Locations]) select [Retired] on the right-hand side menu to see the reasons.

2019 08 20 at 15.33

Retirement Charts and Analysis

Within this page, you’ll get a pie-chart of all retirement reasons for your equipment, and a gauge chart with the average duration, from first use until retired. Below the charts is a listing of all your equipment including its retirement reason for the date range. You can select a date range to perform different analyses by date range.

2019 08 20 at 15.36

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