Tune-In to Episode 41 of the Ronin RescueCast for All Things D4H
Robin Blandford, founder of D4H, was recently given the opportunity to feature on Ronin Rescue's Podcast.
Ronin Safety and Rescue consists of dedicated safety and rescue professionals who provide training and services worldwide. They specialize in all types of rescue, hazardous materials, and rope access. Some of the services they provide include OHS/HSE Consulting, Rescue Standby Services, Industrial, Technical, and Tactical Safety and Rescue Training, and Technical Rescue Equipment Sales. Ronin Safety and Rescue uses D4H Personnel and Training, D4H Equipment Management and D4H Incident Reporting to effectively maintain their specialist rescue equipment, keep their personnel qualifications up to date, and report on their activity.
They started the Ronin RescueCast to create a space to discuss their procedures, challenges in the rescue industry, and other items of interest to the rescue community. In Episode 41 they discuss all things D4H as well as Robin’s experiences as a volunteer with the Irish Coast Guard.
You can listen to the full podcast at this link.
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