Over $50,000 of Software Donated To COVID-19 Response
Over the past couple of months, we've been working to support government and public safety organizations that are responding to COVID-19 by donating our software free of charge for the duration and purpose of their effort.
So far, we’ve donated just over $50,000 of software towards COVID-19 direct response. We’ve worked with Foodbanks, Emergency Management Agencies, Medical Assistance Teams, Community First Responders, the Red Cross, Hazmat teams, and HEMS organizations to help them better manage their COVID-19 responses.
Here are some of their stories, keep an eye on our blog and social media as we share more.
Red Cross Puts D4H on Frontline of COVID-19 Response
The Red Cross is using the D4H throughout the pandemic to track personnel availability, ambulance deployment, community vehicles used, and vehicle mileage. The cloud-based software is remotely accessible and during this period of social distancing, it is eliminating the need for in-person meetings to coordinate the teams and their responses.

How Knoxville-Knox County EMA is Operating Their EOC Remotely During COVID-19
In most cases, in-person meetings in a physical EOC are standard practice during an emergency. However, with the outbreak of COVID-19, Knoxville-Knox County Emergency Management Agency needed to create a virtual EOC environment to ensure the safety of their staff and partner agencies.

How Morecambe Bay Foodbank is Managing Deliveries to the Vulnerable During COVID-19
With a fleet of 9 vehicles and a maximum of 80 food parcels per vehicle, it was imperative that Morecambe Bay Food Bank would have a system that is quick to customize, easy to use, and accurately reports after. They deployed D4H’s full suite of readiness and response software solutions to help manage every aspect of their COVID-19 response.

We have 4 products, all of which may help your COVID-19 response.
- Personnel & Training - which of my people are still available to me and what skills have they got?
- Equipment Management - what equipment stockpiles do we still have across the region?
- Incident Management - what decisions can I make from a real-time common operating picture?
- Incident Reporting - what type of missions are we completing? Is there a trend?
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