Q4 What's New on D4H
Ho, ho, ho! As the year winds down, we're thrilled to share some updates with you: a sleigh full of exciting new features 🎁✨ Here's what we released this quarter. Wishing you a happy holiday season and New Year!
D4H Operations Center
📱 Individual logs on mobile - The latest version of our mobile app allows you to view the filtered logs tagged to item you're viewing
🎨 Rich text editor - Add clarity and emphasis to your incident documentation with colors & formatting
🏁 Checklist progress and not applicable status - Improved visualization and tracking of tasks statuses
🖨️ ️Landscape forms & printing paper sizes - Export your incident forms in any format
🙌 Create & install D4H extension packs - Create & share D4H templates with other D4H users
D4H Team Manager
🦮 K9 & handler qualification alerts, expectations, and groups - Never miss a vet appointment or K9 qualification expiry again!
🐾 Qualify K9 & handlers from attendance - Qualify your K9s just like your members
🦾 New features for API - Continuous improvement & introduction of new APIs
🗃️ Upgraded document storage structure - Our file storage system was moved to the Amazon S3 service to significantly improve capacity, redundancy and security
📧 Improved weekly digest email - Streamlined the email design and content
🦮 Communication to handlers - Send communications directly to animal handlers via the D4H Communications module
Safety & Security
🔐 A better way to sign in - One username & password for all D4H products. We've further enhanced the sign in the process based on customer feedback & hope to get every user's sign-in details upgraded before the end of Q1 2024.
Note: If your D4H account is already on Enterprise SSO, drop us a note to help@d4h.com to discuss further
🐞 System updates & Fixes - Behind the scenes we worked on bugs reported, small UI tweaks and updates to bring you a smoother experience when using D4H
What's coming in 2024
That's not all - we have big plans for 2024! Our crewm4tes are already hard at work on innovative features and improvements to make you even more efficient in 2024. Stay tuned for exciting announcements in the coming months.
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