What is IAP emergency management software?
Learn how to use online software in the cloud to write your incident action plan (IAP) and share it with your incident management team and resources.
An incident action plan (IAP) outlines the incident goals and objectives as decided by the incident command and which tactics will be used to achieve them. More importantly, it also communicates the action plan to everyone involved so they are all working towards the same objective. Incident objectives that drive incident operations are established by the Incident Action Plan (IAP). As incidents evolve, the Incident Action Plan (IAP) would be revised and re-communicated to everyone. Often each operational period will have its own objectives and version of the IAP as documented in the FEMA Incident Action Planning Guide.

IAP Software
IAP emergency management software or incident management system software (IMSS) is software designed to help incident management teams collaborate to build their IAP. The incident action plan software will usually include things such as the incident response plan, incident goals, operational period objectives, response strategies, response tactics, organization list with ICS chart showing primary roles and relationships, and assignment list with specific tasks. To be effective, the incident action plan should cover a specified timeframe for the response group.
Software for Incident Action Plan (IAP) Forms
If you’re familiar with collaborative editing in Google Docs (where you can see the other person typing), you’ll be familiar with how D4H works to write an IAP. You can fill in all the ICS Forms together to build your incident action plan and they will automatically save and share with everyone. When you want to print your IAP and ICS Forms, the forms will automatically order correctly.

Software for ICS Organization Charts
It is important to declare a unity of command so each resource is only reporting to one section chief. D4H will allow you to achieve this using our online organization chart drawing tool for the ICS 207 forms.
Sharing your IAP
It is possible to share your IAP from D4H software by using a public link or printing a PDF.
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